Monday 11 July 2011

Preparation for filming Britney re-make

In preparation for filming tomorrow we have been given a timetable plaaning our media day. I am working in a group with Alex Mclusky, Sam Pollock, Sam Boyes, Faye Higgins, George Gamble and Harry Knight we will be working on the classroom shots at the beginning of the video.
We start the day in the school Ecopod to practice lip-syncing for the filming as everyone in the group has to be Britney for atleast one shot, although the boys are obviously quite reluctant to do so! and will probably end up something like this... 

During that first period we will also be doing individual Vodcast for our blogs and making sure the call sheet we have done today in lesson is correct. Period two we'll be filming using classroom B2 as desk are already set up individually and in rows there like they are in the video. Period three we will head off to the Gym to help the other group shoot as in this part of the music video back-uop dancers are needed and they may not have enough people. After lunch we go and finish our vodcast if we havnt already done so and then go and upload them onto the blogs and do any 'behing the scenes footage' we want. Last perios we will all meet back in F6 to got hrough what we have shot and write up a blog post of what we've learnt then if we have time we'll do group vodcast discuyssing this and record vox pops form out first month in media! Sooo much to do!

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