Friday 15 July 2011

Filming of new mini vid.

Today we've just shot the footage for our mini vid of 'Sharp Dressed Man' By ZZ Top. We did a countertype of the video because instead of a sharp dressed man we had a normal dressed woman being stalked by a group of guys, we did a range of shots of the guys following the girl (me) and shots of the boys playing the guitar similar to the ones in the origional video although we didn't have mustaches and mexican outfits, so our video is a modern and funny version updated by us. The video was really fun to shoot because the idea was silly.
The cast consisted of a number of guys and girl being followed. We did some low angled shots of peoples feet to add some narrative to the girl being followed before she was shown. We will be editing he footage throughout next week and could need some more coverage but as our location is at school we can do this as we need if we find we need more footage as it can be done quickly. In the video was Tom Cripps, Nick Lithgow, Harry Knight, Sam Pollock and Nick Lithgow and Alex McCluskey who assigned himself as the camera man.

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